Why We Need An Employee Labor Union at Amazon . . .
Because . . .
Amazon is wrong, a lot. . .
Amazon has already ended some of our jobs, If you still have yours, you may be able to save it. You have been warned and after you may lose your job, you have nobody to blame but yourself.
You are provided the most effective means to preserve your job, your good employment record and maintain your physical health, all at the same time. The bigger problem is, your failure to already act has not only put you at risk of losing your job but it also places those of us who already signed-up (a good representation by gender and culture) for our union at risk of losing our job (if some of us, too, have not already been compelled to quit or have been fired) because our union has not yet been certified by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) an agency of the United States Government.
No one person is able to fix this. It takes a large group and we appreciate the many of you who have tried by joining us in signing-up for our union but not enough of us, so far, have done anything to stop Amazon from unethically causing us to leave or be fired from our jobs. We lose our jobs at this facility, and those like it, at the rate of 156% per year. This means, on average, we will lose our job after about 8 months. Or, 3 of us out of every 100 will leave every week. Some of us leave because we cannot tolerate the terrible working conditions; some of us are compelled to quit to avoid being fired because of unjust productivity assessment write-ups; and some of us are fired.
There is nothing we can do about it on our own- Amazon intentionally wants us to leave and has been doing this for many years to everyone- regardless of how hard we work. Amazon’s main objective is to keep us from starting a labor union, period. How? By getting rid of us before we can start a labor union. How can they do that? By falsely saying we have to leave because we are not working fast enough. Clever but outrageously unethical. In summary: Amazon welcomes everybody, work faster, faster, faster, you are fired, next. . . Repeat. This is the Amazon business model. Besides getting rid of us before we can start a union, as an added bonus, Amazon’s Scamazon Policy keeps workers’ compensation claims down as well as unemployment insurance premiums that it has to pay for us, by law.
The unethically motivated degree at which Amazon compels us to work is also a safety issue. Amazon realizes this and specifically said in its recent safety meeting that we should avoid repetitive motions; yet, that is precisely what Amazon makes us do to an unsafe and dangerous degree. A labor union is our best approach to address this safety issue because Amazon is focused on the dollar and not on our welfare. Amazon compels us to work dangerously fast and then it tells us we are not working fast enough and gives us a write-up. Amazon will tell us, again, that we are not working fast enough even though we are working as fast and safely as humanly possible. Amazon then, again, refers to its intentionally junk automated productivity assessment system and says the algorithm and productivity curves show we are not productive enough so we have to leave- we are fired. You are then a member of the Amazon Scamazon 156% Unemployed Club. I bet you then wished you had joined Union Amazon Organization and at least stood a chance of preserving your job, your employment history record – which is then ruined, forever, and you then have a severely impaired and unstable employment record that will reduce your income for the rest of your life.
Strength in Numbers:
- Union Amazon Organization is in its formative stage and must be approved by a majority of those within its bargaining unit or a majority of those voting in a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) held election for those within the bargaining unit. Union Amazon Organization in unlike any other union. Once you learn about us, hopefully you embrace our values and wholeheartedly join us. Labor unions, like any institution, may have negative elements or bad actors but we will not tolerate inappropriate conduct nor inappropriate policy for we will readily adopt the best policy as our own. The collective action of a labor union amplifies its message on how its members expect to be treated through its ability to bring awareness to, or exposure of, an issue.
- Who wants to be in a Union? NASA has rocket scientists who are members of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, Airline Pilots, Air Traffic Controllers, Football Players (NFLPA), Baseball Players (MLBPA), Police, Fire Fighters, Teachers (NEA), Electricians, Plumbers, Truckers (Teamsters), Famous movie actors and actresses are members of (Screen Actors Guild) SAG-AFTRA, etc. Having a stable, reliable, trusted, relationship with your coworkers and employer yields a rewarding work/life experience.
Counter Bad Company Decisions:
- Amazon provides employees a means by which to avoid State access restrictions to unnecessary abortions by offering to provide out-of-state transportation for abortion services. Unnecessary abortion kills an innocent human being because, by definition, the human life would have survived.
- Amazon through withdrawing social media outlet Parler’s access to Amazon Web Services (AWS), on Sunday, Jan. 10, 2021, prevented then President Donald Trump from expressing his essential views to quell public discord on that major platform following the Jan. 06th, 2021 patriotic public protest at the U.S. Capitol. An AWS spokesperson said ” , , , there is significant content on Parler that encourages and incites violence against others. . . “. What hypocrisy- Amazon will financially help its employees to avoid their local State laws barring access to unnecessary abortion – the ultimate form of violence.
Our Job Security:
- Amazon’s personnel performance assessment system is not valid (in at least its Fulfillment Division (packing/handling) and your job is subject to an arbitrary and capricious evaluation system. It is an outrage that Amazon subjects its employees to such a flawed evaluation system. It puts Amazon’s credibility alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin’s – worthless. Amazon’s assessment system is known by Amazon to be invalid but it uses it to “justify” getting rid of us.
- Amazon is incapable of making appropriate human compensatory adjustment to its flawed automated personnel performance assessment system and this is because Amazon does not want us to stay but wants us to leave before we can start a labor union.
- You need sustainable employment and you can not rely on Amazon for it. You must win the “Amazon Productivity Performance Lottery” to maintain your job. If you are not lucky enough to have the right conditions to work (many of which are beyond your control) you are at risk of losing your job based on a grossly imperfect automated assessment system with ineffective human oversight and then you lose your job because that is what Amazon wants since you can not be in the union if you are not an employee.
- Amazon has been assessed by myself and some in the profession of business analysis as having an intentional, planned, high attrition rate (high employee turn-over rate) in many areas, if not all, in its Fulfillment Centers. The motivation for such is (as is usually the case) self-serving for such a plan hinders employee labor union efforts, reduces workers’ compensation claims (particularly repetitive motion disorders) and unemployment insurance claims. On Sept. 01, 2022 a National Labor Relations Board hearing officer recommended the vote (April 01,2022) for the first union for Amazon in the United States (Staten Island, New York) be affirmed, that is – honored, recognized as the undisputed choice of the workers. Amazon may challenge this decision. One of the most difficult problems with forming the labor union in New York as stated by organizers was due to the high turn-over rate of employees. Working conditions at Amazon are so demanding, employees do not stay around long enough to learn about then to vote for a union. It is my intention through this website and other means to speed up that learning curve so we may have a union at Amazon in record time. Please send the Union Amazon Organization Authorization for Representation Form on this website!
Our Health:
- Repetitive motion disorders are a serious heath consequence at Amazon Fulfillment Centers. While the periodic station screen display breaks are a welcomed relief, they are not going to spare us of the inevitable long term consequences of impaired bodily function. Providing frequent enough changes in our body movement demands would end repetitive motion disorders.
- Covid-19 precautions are lax. Covid-19 contagiousness incidence rate within the facility is not readily disclosed. Those employees who chose to social distance are not readily afforded the ability to do so.
- Amazon promotes the Covid-19 vaccines when science/medical professionals suspect possible negative health consequences.
What Can We Do When We Form Our Union?
Oh, what wondrous things we can do. . .
1) Negotiate: Pay rate increases
2) Negotiate: Hours or work- 4 days of 10 hours or 5 days of 8 hours or combination or other arrangement.
3)Negotiate: Healthcare Benefits
4)Negotiate: Educational Benefits.
5) Demand: End of invalid automated productivity assessment systems. If you are subjected to them or they are mentioned in your performance review, please let me know as soon as possible.
6)Form: Human Trafficking Intervention (exploitive immigration arrangements) Modern Day Slavery.
7)Form: Employee Justice Network- Civil, Familial (Family Court) Monitoring for Bias (gender/racial)
8)Form: Anti-Abortion Network. By definition, when a woman is pregnant (at the start of humanity as a single cell) means there is already a new unique human being present within the woman’s body. It is this new body that must now be protected and allowed to continue to live just as you expect to be so protected. Nobody has the right to choose to end the life of anyone and that includes mothers who want to kill their child through unnecessary abortion. To those of you who may have thought that the growth within the mother, the fetus, or the developing baby is nothing more than an insignificant mass of cells which has no feeling or a beating heart or does not have brain waves- consider this: this human being already knows how and does create the feeling to which you may refer, and it already knows how and does make that beating heart, and it already knows how and does make a brain with brain waves that you may seek to then appreciate its intelligent existence. Not only does the single cell human know how and does make all these incredible body parts which modern day top scientists can not even remotely come close to doing, but it also makes all these parts work together- sight, sound, feeling, thought, etc.- what an incredible feat. The singled cell human being is so intelligent, we are incapable of understanding it and we are in no position to qualify its significance in any respect other than for us to say that it is phenomenally incredible and deserving of our respect and our protection. And some women would like to choose to kill the most intelligent entity ever known, and its their child. . . it is time to think, again. Amazon offers transportation assistance to help woman seeking to kill their children through unnecessary abortion when such is banned by the woman’s state of residence. I personally offer $1000 cash (from my personal funds and not union related funding) to anyone providing me with details of any such assistance provided by Amazon. The details entail who at Amazon approved/provided the assistance and which employee accepted the assistance. The person accepting the assistance is eligible for this offer. This Amazon transportation assistance is a corporate Amazon executive policy decision; therefore, all such executives in support of this policy are culpable. Anyone with knowledge of which executives supported this policy and which ones opposed it, please inform me so I may disclose the names of those responsible. Any Amazon employee including executives that would like to self-report and/or report others, please contact me through the Contact Form at UnionAmazon.Org or email me at: Admin@UnionAmazon.Org.
9) Demand: Safety Issues- Covid-19 protections for those who choose: 1)social distancing at work stations and in all other instances of group gathering (2) work with coworkers who also choose to wear a mask (3) Immediate timely full disclosure of Covid-19 and other transmittable illnesses prevalence within our facility. (4) Light emission protection from equipment that generates stray beams (missing shields). (5) Varied work tasks and/or more frequent breaks to mitigate repetitive motion disorders.
10) Demand: Conscientious objections to selling drug paraphernalia- hookahs and alcoholic beverage drinking games.
11) Demand: Amazon stop conducting business in the Russian Federation in support of the Ukrainian people invaded by Russia.
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